
Shu-Fen Chiang
9 min readMay 7, 2018


March 20, 2018 |Shu-Fen Chiang


About Taichung Sen 10, earth-friendly and non-toxic farming, functionality, and nutritional information


Eco-friendly,healthy and non-toxic, delicious and true food



Pass down

Agriculture instructor Mr. Chen Rongchang has been farming since the age of 11 and has been through an agricultural transformation. It began with Japanese colonists importing Japanica rice and sophisticated farming techniques. The government, in order to encourage increased yield, gave guidance to farmers on the use of chemical fertilizers. Because of this, the soil was damaged and pesticides were then needed to produce crops. When awareness of environmental and food safety began increasing around the year 2000, the government started to invest in traditional farming techniques, without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Mr. Chen Rongchang, now 80, has spared no effort in working towards a return to traditional farming. At Yilan Community College, he teaches a course for “Yilan’s Dream of New Organic Rice.” In 2018, the class is already in its fifth year. He is eager for each coming year of classes, where he can impart his over 60 years of experience in agriculture — especially those experiences gained before the use of fertilizers and pesticides. This includes knowledge accumulated on the journey from large-scale agriculture back to traditional farming. His hope is to leave behind good opportunities for both the people and the land.

(Note: Penglai rice is a hybrid of polished round-grain non-glutinous rice and regular glutinous rice)


為何FooDiA 致力推動友善大地種植(eco-friendly farming)無麩質(Gluten-free)全穀物(Whole Grain)飲食?

友善大地種植(eco-friendly farming),工業各種化學與重金屬污染, 化肥與農藥等人為對土地的傷害,均會在we are what we eat的生態鏈系統中,進入我們的飲食進而危害我們的健康,其中諸如鎘、汞、鉛、砷等多項重金屬對人體的危害,入列聯合國致癌物而訂定嚴格規範(註1)。

「無麩質飲食」(Gluten-free)就是不含麩質(gluten)的食物(註2),即便嚴重至celiac disease(乳糜瀉)症患者比例不高(約1%~2%),然若有免疫系統相關疾病與有各種過敏體質的朋友,找免疫系統醫療專業做份徹底的過敏原測試檢驗。

全穀物(Whole grain)飲食可以攝取較多的膳食纖維與微量元素。


一. 發展無毒健康無負擔的真食飲食食材。

二. 推動國人糧食自給率止迭上揚(台灣主要糧食作物耕作以稻米為主,稻米是「無麩質」的重要主角)。

三. 與土地生態共榮共好,生態永續的綠色經濟。


Why is FooDiA committed to promoting earth-friendly farming and a gluten-free, whole-grain diet?

Eco-friendly farming: Man-made factors, like a variety of industrial chemicals and pollution, along with chemical fertilizers and pesticides have accumulated in this current “you are what you eat” ecosystem. They have found their way into what we eat and drink and have harmed our health. They include cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, and other heavy metals that are hazardous to the human body and are listed by the United Nations as carcinogens (Note 1) .

A “gluten-free diet” is simply a diet that consists of food that does not contain gluten (note 2). Even though the instance of celiac disease is low (about 1% to 2%), if you have an immune system illness or allergy, you should find an immune system specialist and have thorough tests done.

A whole-grain diet can lead to a higher intake of dietary fiber and trace elements.

Foodia holds fast to its aspirations, rooted in deep plowing in Taiwan and looking forward to making a more eco-friendly earth and good quality agricultural products. Through the expertise of our specialists at every stage, we are committed to:

I. The development of non-toxic and responsible ingredients.

II. Promoting domestic grain self-sufficiency (Taiwan’s primary grain crop is rice. Rice is an important player in the “gluten-free” movement.)

III. A prosperous relationship with the land, with a sustainable green economy.


Matcha Brown Rice Pound Cake

為何FooDiA 強力推薦秈10號米?


近期更興奮地從穀研所處得知一份尋覓多時的研究報告:農業試驗所針對台灣國產優質白米與糙米品種之升糖指數(Glycemic index, 簡稱GI)進行比較。根據研究,台中籼10號的糙米的確落在低升糖指數 (low GI, 註4)範圍,白米也接近低GI範圍 (註5、6)!當食物的GI越高,餐後血糖濃度上升速率與增加幅度也較高,容易產生胰島素抗性,成為引發糖尿病等血糖相關性疾病疑慮的飲食隱憂。歐美國家越來越重視新陳代謝相關疾病對公民健康的危害與對國家醫療保險與財政的影響,故當前健康飲食新趨勢,紛紛以對抗以糖尿病等慢性新陳代謝疾病為國家重要健康目標。

Why does FooDiA strongly recommend Indica Rice Sen 10?

Beginning with having good and pure intentions with the land, and moving forward with thinking interwoven into this new generation of the green economy, a discovery was made. Taichung’s Rice №10 is the rice with three benefits. It is good for your health. The rice is suitable to the changing climate, with no need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and can support production for the farm economy. It is also unique among rices, possessing a unique texture and fragrant aroma.

Excitement came recently, as a long-anticipated report was released by the China Grain Products Research & Development Institute. The Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute made a comparison between the glycemic indexes (GI) of Taiwan domestic white rice and brown rice varieties. According to the research, Taichung Sen 10 brown rice actually fell in the low-glycemic index range (low GI, note 4 ), and the white rice is also close to low GI range (Note 5 , 6)! The higher the food GI, the higher the postprandial blood glucose levels, with higher rates of increase as well. It also leads to greater insulin resistance. This can create concerns about foods leading to blood sugar diseases like diabetes and others. Western and European countries have grown ever aware of the harm metabolic-related diseases have on citizens’ health and the impact on national health insurance and finances. This current trend towards a healthier diet has fueled the fight against diabetes and other chronic metabolic diseases, and is an important national health goal.

[ 關於米種身世 ]

名 稱:台中秈 10 號







[The rice’s story]

Name: Taichung Sen 10

Main production area: Central and southern Taiwan

Taichung Sen 10 was hybridized in the first term of 1964 between Chia Rice №14 (paternal) and Taichung Test Rice №204 (maternal). In 1979 it was formally named Taichung Sen 10.

Health and Nutrition: High-fiber. Low-calorie. Low- GI. Part of a healthy, gluten-free diet. Easy to digest with low incidence of gas. Keeps bowel movements regular. Suitable for groups at high risk of diabetes.

Well adaptable to climate change in a friendly farming environment:

This variety is the only type of Indica rice that can compete with normal Japonica rice. The rice stalk is strong, and the plant type is ideal. The kernel is larger and thinner, with the tip being colorless with no arista. In the 70s and 80s, the farming team of Taiwan’s agricultural graduates traveled to African countries. Under low rain and difficult climate conditions, the tough Rice Sen 10 was still able to become one of the staples on the African continent. It is because of Rice Sen 10’s characteristic heartiness that, especially in Yilan, it has become farmers’ first choice in land-friendly, non-toxic rice.

Health and Nutrition: Rice Sen 10 is a healthy part of a gluten-free diet, and is easy to digest with less gas


Yilan garlic oil, wild mushroom, with semi-polished rice

寶島風情(糙米&胚芽米 )

Formosa(Taiwan) style (brown rice & semi-polished rice)


*白米之美國風情: 捷克乳酪 (Jack Cheese)

*糙米之義大利熱烈:帕瑪森 (Parmigiano-Reggiano)

*胚芽米之英倫情人:切達乳酪 (Cheddar Cheese)

[ 飯好吃的祕訣 ]



Delicious and full flavored rice: Rice Sen 10’s pairings with exotic cheeses

* American-style white rice: Jack Cheese

* Italian-style rice: Parmigiano-Reggiano

* English semi-polished rice: Cheddar Cheese

[The secret to a delicious meal]

* Fresh rice has higher water content, so we recommend using a little less water than what you are used to.

*Tips for Advanced cooking: Regardless of what kind of cooking utensils you use, before you start cooking your rice, put 2–3 clean-water ice cubes in and it will have a magical effect.



根據台中區農改場的報告,台中秈10號是以抗病抗蟲產量高的「臺中秈試204號」為母本,與也是抗病抗蟲產量高「嘉農秈育14號」為父本進行雜交而成。秈米的口感一般較乾硬,但富含纖維質且低澱粉,而台中秈10號除了具有高纖低澱粉的特點外,米粒大而飽滿,晶瑩有光澤,在口感上不黏不膩,又軟又Q,細細咀嚼的淡淡香甜滋味別有一番風味,且吃下肚後,較不易產生飽脹感,都市生活勞力活少,熱量需求小,但追求健康,因此高纖低澱粉是適合於都市生活型態的人,好吃易消化,營養不發胖。” (http://geocyber.org/blog/?p=981)

More rice trivia:

Taichung Sen 10 rice, the new choice for urban peoples’ health.

According to the Taichung Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Taichung Sen 10 is a high yield, disease and insect resistant relative of “Taichung Test Rice №204,” and a hybrid of “Chia Rice №14.” The texture of normal Indica rice is generally harder, but it is rich in fiber and low in starch. For Taichung Sen 10, not only is high in fiber and low in starch, but its grains are larger and fuller, with a shiny quality. Its texture is not too sticky or too oily, but soft and chewy. Its delicate, subtle flavor comes out when chewed. After eating, it doesn’t leave you with a full and bloated feeling. Those who live in an urban setting are less active in general, and as a result require fewer calories. However, they still want to be healthy, which is why high-fiber, low-starch rice is a great choice for the urban lifestyle. It’s healthy and easy to digest, and will keep you slim.


味道,是鄉愁,是安慰劑,是深遠的聯繫。走踏風土,品聞世界。COOK the WORLD ~ FooDiA

Flavor is a longing for home, a dose of comfort, and a distant connection. Step out and taste the world. COOK the WORLD ~ FooDia

Called “Chen A-gong”(Grandpa Chen) by many of the tillers and farmers of Yilan, he is also a bit of an internet celebrity.


1 “以無機砷為例,德國聯邦載明即便致癌機轉尚不明確,尚無法評估推導出適當的安全攝入量,德國聯邦風險評估研究院認為食品中無機砷的含量應降低至無法避免的最小量,即低至合理可達到(as low as reasonably achievable, ALARA)的原則。” 國家環境毒物研究中心 http://nehrc.nhri.org.tw/foodsafety/news.php?id=42

1) “In the case of inorganic arsenic, the German State stated that even if the carcinogenicity is unclear, it is not yet possible to assess the appropriate amounts that may be ingested safely. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment believes that the content of inorganic arsenic in food should be reduced to a level as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA principle).” National Center for Environmental Toxicology http://nehrc.nhri.org.tw/foodsafety/news.php?id=42

2 麩質(Gluten)又稱為麩質蛋白、小麥麩質、麵筋、麥膠、小麥蛋白質等,是存在於麥類中的蛋白質,主要是由 Glutenin 與 Gliadin 兩類所構成。例如義大利麵、披薩、啤酒、部份燕麥、醬料、蛋糕、麵包、餅乾等精緻食物。

2) Gluten, also known as gluten protein, wheat gluten, wheat protein, etc., is a protein found in wheat, which is mainly composed of two types: Glutenin and Gliadin. For example, pasta, pizza, beer, some oats, sauces, cakes, bread, biscuits and other refined foods.

3 台中農改場:台中秈10號 (http://www.tdais.gov.tw/htmlarea_file/web_articles/tdares/5444/981008-65.pdf)

3) Taichung Agricultural Reformation Site: Taichung Sen 10 (http://www.tdais.gov.tw/htmlarea_file/web_articles/tdares/5444/981008-65.pdf)

4 以新加坡為例,李顯龍於2017年10月提出新加坡國家未來10年施政三大重要政策,其中之一即是重視糖尿病並以國家發展低升糖指標飲食的實踐方針。(新加坡政府負責healthier foods and low GI testing and education agency: http://www.tp.edu.sg/schools/asc/about-asc/Centres-of-Excellence/Glycemic-Index-Research-Unit-(GIRU)#tab2)

4) Using Singapore as an example, in October of 2017, Lee Hsien Loong put forward three of the most important policies for the next 10 years for the governance of Singapore in the next 10 years. One of them is the practice of paying attention to diabetes and developing a low-glycemic index diet for the country. (The Singapore government is responsible for healthier foods and low GI testing and education agency: (http://www.tp.edu.sg/schools/asc/about-asc/Centres-of-Excellence/Glycemic-Index-Research-Unit-(GIRU)#tab2)

5 Lai, M. H., Liu, K. L., Chen, P. Y., Ke, N. J., Chen, J. J., Sung, J. M., … & Lin, S. D. (2016). Predicted glycemic index and glycemic index of rice varieties grown in Taiwan. Cereal Chemistry, 93(2), 150–155. https://doi.org/10.1094/CCHEM-07-15-0144-R

5) Lai, MH, Liu, KL, Chen, PY, Ke, NJ, Chen, JJ, Sung, JM, … & Lin, SD (2016). Predicted glycemic index and glycemic index of rice varieties grown in Taiwan. Cereal Chemistry, 93(2), 150–155. https://doi.org/10.1094/CCHEM-07-15-0144-R

6 Hung, T. Z., Chang, P. J., Lin S. Y., Hung, J. Y., Lee, Y. L. (2018). Comparison of estimated glycemic index of Taiwan high-quality white rice and brown rice. 2018 International Conference on Functional Food for improving Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Frailty. 本研究模擬食物澱粉在人體胃腸道中的消化過程,分析13個台灣優良水稻推廣品種之白米及糙米的預估升糖指數 (Estimated GI,簡稱EGI)。結果顯示在白米品種之中,台中秈10號的EGI最低,接近低GI範圍。粳白米則以台農71號及台粳9號較低。糙米品種同樣以台中秈10號的EGI最低,粳糙米則以台粳8號最低。所有糙米品種之EGI皆落在低GI範圍。(節錄自國產優質白米及糙米米種之預估升糖指數比較,農試所生物技術組)

6) Hung, TZ, Chang, PJ, Lin SY, Hung, JY, Lee, YL (2018). Comparison of estimated glycemic index of Taiwan high-quality white rice and brown rice. 2018 International Conference on Functional Food for improving Sarcopenia, Cachexia And Frailty. This study simulated the digestion process of dietary starch in the human gastrointestinal tract and analyzed the estimated glycemic index (EGI) of 13 top-rate Taiwan rice’s promotional varieties of white and brown rice. The results showed that among the varieties of white rice, the Taichung Sen 10 had the lowest EGI and was close to the low GI range. For Japonica white rice variants, Tainong №71 and Taiken 9 were comparatively lower. The brown rice varieties that had the lowest EGI value were Taichung Sen 10. For brown Japonica rice, Taiken 8 was the lowest. The EGI of all brown rice varieties fell in the low GI range. (Extracted from a comparison of the estimated glycemic index of high-quality white rice and brown rice varieties produced in China, the Agricultural Technology Group Biotechnology Group).

7 秈米曾是台灣餐桌上的主角 (http://www.foodnext.net/science/scsource/paper/4593727276)

7) Indica rice was once the star of Taiwan’s dinner table (http://www.foodnext.net/science/scsource/paper/4593727276)

8 認識梗米,秈米,糯米 (http://library.taiwanschoolnet.org/cyberfair2003/C0334950068/a/g1.htm)

8) Learn more about Japonica rice, Indica rice, and glutinous rice:


9 呂坤泉、許志聖、楊嘉凌(2002),世界水稻的分類,臺中區農情月刊第 40期。(http://www.tdais.gov.tw/files/tdares_monthly/tdares_tdares_subadmin_20080520172856/TC05-40-3.pdf)

9) Lu Kunquan, Xu Zhisheng, Yang Jialing (2002), World Rice Classification, 40th issue of Taichung Agriculture Monthly. (http://www.tdais.gov.tw/files/tdares_monthly/tdares_tdares_subadmin_20080520172856/TC05-40-3.pdf)

10 “稻是屬於禾本科、稻屬的植物,從品種特性上栽培稻主要分為粳稻(japonica)、秈稻(indica)及爪哇稻(javanica)三類群。而食米從米質特性(胚乳特性)上,一般區分為粳米、秈米及糯米。俗稱之蓬萊米即是粳米,其米粒透明及較短圓。而臺灣長久以來種植的在來米,則屬於 秈米,秈米之米粒透明、細長。至於糯米則分為梗糯及秈糯,粳糯之外觀為白色不透明、米粒短圓;秈糯則外觀白色不透明、米粒細長。 一般市售白米為稻米之胚乳部分,其主要成分是澱粉。粳、秈米之澱粉,主要是由直鏈澱粉及支鏈澱粉組成。秈米之澱粉中,直鏈澱粉比例較梗米為高,煮成的米飯較乾鬆。但長秈米品種中之臺中秈3號與臺中秈10號較為特殊,其胚乳所含直鏈性澱粉比例與粳米相近,所以米飯口感也與梗米相近。目前市面上販售之長秈小包裝白米,多為這兩品種所碾製成的。 至於糯米,由於其胚乳中澱粉大多由支鏈澱粉所組成,其直鏈澱粉含量一般少於3%,故所煮成的米飯較粳、秈者軟黏(不論是長粒的秈糯或短圓之梗糯),多用於釀酒、製作粽子……..等糕點之用。” (http://www.zojirushi.com.tw/life/rice/rice2_05.asp)

10) “Rice is a plant belonging to the genus Gramineae and Oryza, and cultivated rice is mainly divided into the three groups of japonica, indica, and javanica. In terms of the qualities of edible rice (endosperm qualities), they can be divided into three types: polished round-grain rice, polished long-grain non-glutinous rice, and regular glutinous rice. Polished round-grain non-glutinous rice is commonly known as Penglai rice, and its rice grains are transparent and relatively short and round. Taiwan’s long-standing rice plant is polished long-grain non-glutinous rice, which is transparent and slender. Glutinous rice is divided into polished round-grain glutinous rice, and polished long-grain glutinous rice. Polished round-grain glutinous rice looks white and transparent, with a short and round grain. Polished long-grain glutinous rice is white but is not transparent, with a long and thin grain. Generally, the white rice sold in markets is the endosperm part of the rice that contains mostly starch. The starch in polished round-grain non-glutinous rice and polished long-grain non-glutinous rice is mainly composed of amylose and amylopectin. In the starch of polished long-grain non-glutinous rice, the proportion of amylose is higher than that of polished round-grain non-glutinous rice, so the boiled rice is drier and looser. But among polished long-grain non-glutinous rices, Taichung Sen 3 and Taichung Sen 10 are special. The proportion of linear starch contained in the endosperm is similar to that of polished round-grained non-glutinous rice, so the taste and texture is similar to polished round-grain non-glutinous rice. Currently, bags of polished long-grain non-glutinous rice for sale at the market are milled from these two tpes. As for the glutinous rice, since the starch in the endosperm is mostly composed of amylopectin and its amylose content is generally less than 3%, when boiled the rice is more glutinous and sticky (it does not matter if it is long grain or short and round). And they are suitable for brewing or making rice dumplings. (http://www.zojirushi.com.tw/life/rice/rice2_05.asp)

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