To be or not to be…

Shu-Fen Chiang
4 min readDec 10, 2018




(Dec.11, 2018) 經過三次開庭審理(12/7, 12/10, 12/11),加拿大法院准許孟晚舟以1000萬加幣保釋,美國政府必須在2019年1月8日提出正式引渡請求,孟晚舟必須在2019年2月6日再次出庭。

(Dec.11, 2018)加拿大前外交官Michael Kovrig(康明凱)在中國被拘留,中國外交部發言人陸慷表示其任職的國際危機組織(International Crisis Group)在中國沒有備案,成員在中國活動違反中國法令。

(Dec.9, 2018) 中國對加拿大發出嚴厲抗議,指控加拿大對孟晚舟的逮補是不人道與侵犯其人權。並對美加提出警告揚言報復。

(Dec.7, 2018) 加拿大法院審理孟晚舟得否交保,長達6小時尚未決定,美加時間週一(12/10)將繼續審理。根據美國司法部國際事務辦公室正式提供的資料顯示孟晚舟至少有4本中國護照與3本香港護照,其國籍問題引發中國香港廣泛議論。

(Dec.5, 2018) 美國要求加拿大依據美加條約逮補並拘留,過境溫哥華轉機的孟晚舟。同時,美國司法部國際事務辦公室將提出引渡孟晚舟至美國受審。(美國於Aug.22, 2018針對華為違反伊朗禁運禁令透過子公司販售設備指控,對孟晚舟發出逮捕令,加拿大卑詩省於Nov.30, 2018對孟晚舟發出省級逮捕令)。

(Nov.25, 2018) 美國警告世界各國停止使用華為的設備,以避免中國發動的資訊戰爭。

(Nov.1, 2018) 川普揚言取消非法移民在美國出生嬰兒入籍的憲法權利,更在公開場合直指最多赴美產子的是中國,並進一步公開嘲諷“你是我們國家的敵人,是想著開戰的將軍,是討厭我們想對付我們的獨裁者,但是卻讓妻子在美國國土生子。恭喜你,你的子女現在是美國人了。”揚言停止讓外國獨裁者邊與美開戰,邊利用出生公民權。

(Oct.4, 2018) 美國副總統Michael Pence對中國提出嚴厲批判中包括美中貿易爭端,中國在南海的軍事化,對台灣的打壓,中共對國內民眾的監控和壓制,在美國與海外施加影響力等。演講中具體引用了情報評估和公開訊息,並提出具體例證。

(Sep.20, 2018)美國宣布制裁中共軍委設備發展部及對部長李尚福實施制裁。禁止中共軍委設備發展部在美國管轄範圍內進行外匯交易,或使用美國金融系統,並凍結其在美國控制範圍內的財產和利益。並具體以對李尚福的制裁,禁止其持有美國簽證與凍結李在美國管轄範圍內的任何財產或利益。

(Sep.17, 2018)美國自9/24開始實施對中國2000億美元輸美商品加徵懲罰性關稅。

(Jul.13, 2018)美國發佈禁止科技供應商販售晶片等關鍵科技原物料給中興(針對中興違反美國俄國禁運禁令)。

(Feb.15, 2018) 包括FBI, CIA, NSA, NASA等高級幕僚均公開呼籲美國國人不要使用華為等中國通訊產品。


BBC:2018年 12月 12日(Taipei time zone)



法庭要求孟晚舟遵守多个条件,包括居住在她位于温哥华的住所、付费雇佣安保公司狮门来监控她的动向、不能离开狮门划定的温哥华、列治文(Richmond)、北岸(North Shore)区域、上交所有护照、保持通讯畅通、佩戴电子定位脚镯、在指定时间出庭等。





WSJ:Dec.11, 2018

China Detains Michael Kovrig, a Former Canadian Diplomat

“Canadian and U.S. officials said they were concerned about the detention of a former Canadian diplomat in China, as Ottawa found itself at the center of an increasingly tense diplomatic standoff over the arrest in Vancouver of a senior executive at Huawei Technologies Co.

Michael Kovrig, a senior adviser with Brussels-based nonprofit International Crisis Group, was detained in Beijing on Monday evening by state-security officials, the group said in a statement. He recently traveled to China to work on a report..”

中央通訊社:最新更新:2018/12/12 17:30

加拿大前外交官被拘 中國:所屬組織未立案


CNN: Updated 4:33 PM ET, Sun December 9, 2018

China summons US, Canadian ambassadors in ‘strong protest ‘ over Huawei CFO’s arrest

By Yong Xiong and Susannah Cullinane, CNN

China Summons U.S. Envoy Over Huawei CFO

By Ros Krasny

December 9, 2018, 8:20 AM CST Updated on December 9, 2018, 10:26 AM CST



美加合作逮捕孟晚舟 引渡美国程序怎么走


Bloomberg: December 7, 2018

Huawei CFO Being Prosecuted for Fraud, Canada Says

By Natalie Obiko Pearson and Kevin Orland

December 7, 2018, 1:15 PM CST Updated on December 7, 2018, 4:46 PM CST

REUTERS: DECEMBER 7, 2018 / 6:22 PM / 2 DAYS AGO

Canadian court bail hearing for Huawei CFO adjourned until Monday


Washington Post: December 5

Senior Huawei executive faces extradition to U.S. after arrest in Canada


Protecting sensitive technologies without constricting their development

Robert D. WilliamsFriday, November 30, 2018


Forbes: Nov 25, 2018, 07:18pm

U.S. Advises Allies To Shun Huawei Telecom Equipment Citing Potential Cyberthreats


Trump suggests foreign dictators take advantage of birthright citizenship

BY TAL AXELROD — 11/01/18 09:19 PM EDT

“Many come from China, you might be surprised. China now is number one, we’re not just talking South America, Latin America, we’re talking about China, parts of Asia, it’s crazy. Think of it, you’re an enemy of our country, you’re a general with war on your mind, you’re a dictator who we hate and who’s against us, and that dictator has his wife have a baby on American soil. Congratulations, your son or daughter is now an American citizen. Does anybody think this makes sense?”


What Taiwan can take from Mike Pence’s speech on China

Richard C. BushFriday, October 12, 2018

(Richard C. Bush/卜睿哲, The Michael H. Armacost Chair Chen-Fu and Cecilia Yen Koo Chair in Taiwan Studies Senior Fellow — Foreign Policy, Center for East Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China Center)

OPEN: 2018–10–05


作者: 美国之音中文网








The Diplomat:Where US Sanctions Bite China’s Military

Some of the new sanctions are harmless, from China’s perspective, but one is likely to hurt.

By Bonnie Girard

September 26, 2018

”Last week, the United States slapped sanctions on the Equipment Development Department of the Chinese military, and its director, Li Shangfu, for military purchases from Russia, citing the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act of 2017 (CAATSA), which allows the United States to impose those sanctions. China not surprisingly responded with outrage and indignation: it summoned the U.S. ambassador, recalled a senior Navy commander from his participation in a symposium in the United States, and called on the United States to “correct its mistake.” The Central Military Commission’s website reports that the acting defense attache at the U.S. Embassy was called in by a senior CMC official.

The imposition of these sanctions, targeting Russia but leaving China with collateral damage, begs a larger question: what is the real-world impact of the sanctions on China? Do they bite at China’s capability to procure military equipment and services, or its abilities to continue operating and fulfilling its requirements?

There are four major areas that the sanctions cover: U.S. property, a visa ban, export denial, and the U.S. financial system. Examining the potential for major impact of each sanction shows where China is most likely to feel the pain, and where it is more or less immune.


REUTERS: JULY 13, 2018 / 11:11 AM / 5 MONTHS AGO

U.S. lifts ban on suppliers selling to China’s ZTE

Karen Freifeld


CNBC: Thu, 15 Feb 2018

Six top US intelligence chiefs caution against buying Huawei phones

“The directors of the CIA, FBI, NSA and several other intelligence agencies express their distrust of Apple-rival Huawei and fellow Chinese telecom company ZTE.

During a hearing, the intelligence chiefs commended American telecom companies for their measured resistance to the Chinese companies.

Huawei has been trying to enter the U.S. market, first through a partnership with AT&T that was ultimately called off.”



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