[Taiwan in a PLATE] Tomato scrambled eggs with grilled asparagus &ginger sake shrimp rice pasta(蘆筍蝦仁番茄蛋米糆)
2 min readJan 13, 2019
Back to the basics: eat, heal and satisfy.
SO. MUCH FLAVOR in this Tomato scrambled eggs with grilled asparagus and ginger sake shrimp RICE PASTA!
[Taiwan in a PLATE 初心食譜系列之一]番茄炒蛋(加料豪華升級版)
番茄炒蛋->蝦仁番茄炒蛋 -> 蘆筍蝦仁番茄炒蛋 -> 清酒蒸蝦仁烤蘆筍番茄炒蛋~