[文化食飲 Ethnic cuisine/ Latin American] : ceviche
這道料理在拉丁美洲靠海的區域,已經有數千年以上的發展,目前的考據顯示最早可能是從秘魯開始。這清爽的拉丁美洲國民美食,當小菜或夏日時節的主餐都很恰當。第一次品嚐是在南加州 San Diego的朋友家中,墨西哥裔第二代的Tina,熱愛廚藝並且認真傳承自母親與祖母的傳統地道好手藝。如同所有地道風土料理均有著依著大地的時令與注重食材品質與職人要求,墨西哥也是北回歸線經過的國家之一,海岸線與山脈等豐富地貌有著生態多樣性的農業好條件。物產豐富,人口大國並且是多個美洲文明的發源地的墨西哥,文化食飲充滿著豐富精彩的古老智慧。
Making ceviche tonight. It is my favorite cuisine of the Latin America.
chili peppers, tomatos, avocados, garlic, coriander, red onion, lime juices, wild rock fish, crab meat, wild white shrimp, sea salt, black pepper.
The most important tip is to define the best balance of all these wonderful fresh ingredients!
According to the wiki page of ceviche: “Ceviche (Spanish pronunciation: [seˈβitʃe]) is a seafood dish popular in the Pacific coastal regions of Latin America. Though the origin of ceviche is hotly debated, in Peru it is considered a national dish. It is typically made from fresh raw fish cured in citrus juices, such as lemon or lime, and spiced with ají or chili peppers. Additional seasonings, such as chopped onions, salt, and cilantro, may also be added.” (1)
#ceviche #freshseafood #summerdish #wearewhatweeat #glutenfree #peruvianfood #FooDiA